Slip Testing Services

pendulum testing, slip resistance testing, floor slip testing

Pendulum Testing to BS 7976-2 and UKSRG

Floor slip resistance testing to the required British Standard 7976-2 and UKSRG ensures business premises comply with regulations and identifies potential slip and fall hazards.

Slippery floors endanger employees and visitors and expose your business to legal claims and potential prosecution.

Slip resistance testing is conducted regularly as part of your ongoing risk assessment procedure, at least annually, or when there is doubt that a walking surface is safe. Changes in use or cleaning regime can also lead to the need for slip testing.

At Your Premises

onsite slip testing

We will come to your premises and carry out a slip risk assessment to to BS7976-2 using equipment approved by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and UK Slip Resistance Group (UKSRG).

A comprehensive report or certificate will be issued upon completion of tests. Where a hazard is identified we will advise on how to resolve the issue, presenting you with solutions aimed at saving you the cost floor replacement or the cost of insurance claims.

You can arrange a floor slip test online or call us on 0330 333 7426.

Pre-Installation Slip Testing

pre-installation slip testing,fooring material slip testing

A pre-installation risk assessment ensures that specified materials are fully compliant before purchase and installation.

We provide slip resistance testing for any flooring material and provide a comprehensive report and compliance certificate. Testing is conducted at your premises or at our offices using samples of the flooring material.

Contact us online  or call us on 0330 333 7426 to arrange slip testing before deciding on your flooring materials.

Contact Ustraction ehnacement,anti-slip treatment,floors,footwear

ORDER TREADSURE® from Amazon or our Authorised Distributors or to arrange Slip Testing, Floor Deep Cleaning or Anti Slip Treatments call us on 0330 333 7426 or contact us online.

Treadsure, Anti-slip,slip fall prevention